Management & Leadership Programs
“I followed what you taught 16 years ago and became a CEO 2 years ago…” -Client Testimonial |
“How To Transform Your Average Performer To Be A Top Performer”
This workshop is designed to empower individuals to take charge of their career. They will learn how to own their own career growth and be proactive in looking for relevant information, knowledge, support, and development to achieve their potential. The program aims to provide individuals with a roadmap to becoming an effective worker. It answers the ‘who, what, when, where and how’ to get things done and make things happen. The ultimate goal of the program is to provide business organizations a platform to SHIFT average workers to practice Top Talent culture and move a C performer to the B category, and B performer to B+ or A. This program is best targeted to those D+, C, C+ and B performer so that your organization can strengthen and widen the talent pool and make your people more productive and effective. This is a STEP-UP programs that can assist your talents rise to higher responsibilities.
“Performance Review Meeting is easier and smoother now after we establish the Social Contract” -Client Testimonial |
- Strengthening the leader-manager in the eight key areas to be more performance and people-centered.
- Setting clear and meaningful expectations and removing uncertainties which is the critical first step in ensuring performance and direction. Performance can only be measured after clear expectations and clarity of goals.
- A holistic view of their task – leaders and managers must be able to see the big picture and connect the dots – Moving the Task, The Team and The Individual towards corporate goals. To see their Task, Team and the Individuals as ‘One BIG PICTURE”.
- Providing the right type of feedback – this is the critical ingredient that nurtures a performance culture. It helps employees develop self-awareness and business acumen. It also gives employees a clear picture on how things should be done and helps employees grow in the right direction.
“For the first time in history we do not have to force a Bell Curve during our performance measurement exercise.” -Client Testimonial |
“Agree On What Is What Is Not Performance, Across The Company”
This workshop provides an avenue for management and their subordinates to start a conversation about performance. They will agree on what is and what is not performance and will be able to deal with appraisals more effectively. This a working workshop that helps you set performance standards across the organization. From what is agreed during these workshop, a company handbook on performance standard and practice could be designed and build for future use company-wide.
![]() | Guiding top talents to reach their highest potential -Client Testimonial
“How To Guide Top Talents To Reach Their Highest Potential”
Mentoring for Business Leaders is a program that assists leaders to mentor and transfer especially their tacit knowledge to top talents in organizations. A mentor can help a protégé learn something he or she would learn less well, less quickly, or not at all, if left alone. This program combines a strong conceptual framework, adequate implementation know-how and abundant real-life examples in the areas of mentor and mentee relationship. This workshop includes developing a mentoring guide and designing a mentoring scheme that suits the culture of your organization. While we develop the mentors, a mirror mentee program that empowers the mentee will complete the total mentoring scheme.
![]() | “I thought Gen Y is the problem, I did not see my own shortcomings … (Gen X)” -Client Testimonial |
“How to Get The Best Of Each Generation”
The focus of this workshop is getting each generation to appreciate the others by helping them understand and see each generation as a product of their socio-historical environment. They will find out each other’s strengths, weaknesses and bad habits and learn how to complement the other. In that way, we work on getting the best from each generation. The game plan is to make each generation happy and performing. This program goes into detail the four generations namely the Baby Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y and Gen Z and how best to work with and through them.
![]() | “Suddenly all the management policies make sense to me.” -Client Testimonial |
“Basic Management Development Program For Rank And File Personnel”
Rank-Up! is a management development program that strives to open the mind of rank and file personnel through basic management knowledge; assisting them to move from a ‘blue-collar mentality’ to a managerial way of thinking. This program helps them work better as a team leader and avoid going back to past non-management culture. Designed specifically for those promoted through rank and file and technical people expected to manage a team, it helps you build better leader-managers, especially at operation level.
This is a certification program. Participants have the option to obtain the RANK-UP CERTIFICATE (Supervisory Management Program).
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Managing Upwards, Managing Inwards
The program helps participants learn the effective ways of managing their superiors/bosses by first managing their own shortcomings. This will help them build good relationships with their superiors paving the way for strong and effective partnership in achieving the company goals. They will be introduced to professionalism at work and how to make sense of the world of work. They will be aware of the various types of bosses and how to make the best of their superior’s style through complimenting the superior’s and their own strengths. They will reflect on their own role and results and avoid making the superiors the scapegoat for lack of performance while at the same time work within company policies, ethics, and corporate values. This program allocates ample time for role plays, sharing, and group discussions as to make lessons clear and understood
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“Getting Things Done, Making Things Happen!”
Management in Action provides a road map on how to be a manager who gets things done and makes things happen. It answers the ‘who, what, when, where, and how’ of making things. It provides strategies of planning, maintenance, and taking actions aligned with the big picture based on the five functions of management model; and unravels how to work with and through people to get things done and make things happen.
“I followed what you taught 16 years ago and became a CEO 2 years ago…”
-Client Testimonial
“How To Transform Your Average Performer To Be A Top Performer”
This workshop is designed to empower individuals to take charge of their careers. They will learn how to own their own career growth and be proactive in looking for relevant information, knowledge, support, and development to achieve their potentials. The prograns aims to provide individuals with a roadmap to becoming an effective worker. It answers the ‘who, what, when, where and how’ to get things done and make things happen. The ultimate goal of the program is to provide businness organizations a platform to SHIFT average workers to pratice Top Talent culture and move a C performer to the B category, and B performer to B+ or A. This program is best tagerted to those D+, C, C+ and B performer so that your organization can strengthen and widen the talent pool and make your people more productive and effective. This is a STEP-UP programs that can assit your talents rise to higher responsibilities.
“Performance Review Meeting is easier and smoother now after we establish the Social Contract”,
-Client Testimonial
This programme aims to provide a more holistic form of development to the leading and managing while at the same time providing enough details for execution.
There are four major focus areas:
- Strengthening the leader-manager in the eight key areas to be more performance- and people-cantered.
- Setting clear and meaningful expectations and removing uncertainties which is the critical first step in ensuring performance and direction. Performance can only be measured after clear expectations and clarity of goals.
- A holistic view of their task – leaders and managers must be able to see the big picture and connect the dots – Moving the Task, The Team and The Individual towards corporate goals. To see their Task, Team and the Individuals as ‘One BIG PICTURE”.
- Providing the right type of feedback – this is the critical ingredient that nurtures a performance culture. It helps employees develop self-awareness and business acumen. It also gives employees a clear picture on how things should be done and helps employees grow in the right direction.
“For the first time in history we do not have to force a Bell Curve during our performance measurement exercise.”
-Client Testimonial
“Agree On What Is What Is Not Performance, Across The Company”
This workshop provides an avenue for management and their subordinates to start a conversation about performance. They will agree on what is and what is not performance and will be able to deal with appraisals more effectively. This a working workshop that hels you set performance standrs across the organization. From what is agreed during these workshop, a company handbook on performance standard and practice could be designed and build for future use company-wide.
Guiding top talents to reach their highest potential
-Client Testimonial
Mentoring for business Leaders is a program that assists leaders on the essentials of the transfer of knowledge from leaders to top talents in organizations, and in building relationships. A mentor can help a protégé learn something he or she would learn less well, less quick, or not at all, if left alone. Mentoring for Business Leaders is a practical workshop that prepares managers and executives to be effective mentors. This program combines a strong conceptual framework, adequate implementation know-how and many real-life examples in the areas of mentor preparation and mentor-protégé matching.
“I thought Gen Y is the problem, I did not see my own shortcomings … (Gen X)”
-Client Testimonial
“How To Get The Best Of Each Generation”
The focus of this workshop is getting each generation to appreciate the others by helping them understand and see each generation as a product of their socio-historical environment. They will find out each other’s strengths, weakness and bad habits and learn how to complement the other. In the way, we work on getting the best from each generation. The game plan is to make each generation happy and performing. This program goel well into detail the four generation namely the Baby Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y and Gen Z and how the best to work with and through them.
“Suddenly all the management policies make sense to me.”
-Client Testimonial
“Basic Management Development Program For Rank And File Personnel”
Rank-Up! is a management development program that strives to open the mind of rank and file personnel through basic management knowledge; assisting them to move from a ‘blue-collar mentality’ to a managerial way of thinking. This program helps them work better as a team leader and avoid going back to past non-management culture. Designed specifically for those promoted through rank and file and technical people expected to manage a team, it helps you build better leader-managers, especially at operation level.
This is a certification program. Participants have the option to obtain the RANK-UP CERTIFICATE (Supervisory Management Program).
“Getting Things Done, Making Things Happen!”
Management in Action provides a road map on how to be a manager who gets things done and makes things happen. It answers the ‘who, what, when, where, and how’ of making things. It provides strategies of planning, maintenance, and taking actions aligned with the big picture based on the five functions of management model; and unravels how to work with and through people to get things done and make things happen.